Grow With Us Gala Sponsorship and Underwriting Opportunities
buy tickets and sponsorships here
Inspiration Sponsor: $30,000
- Admission for twelve guests with VIP seating
- Recognition at top of all event materials and social media leading up to and at the event
- Four unique pages in the digital ad journal
- Press release issued upon receipt of sponsorship agreement
Perseverance Sponsor: $10,000
- Admission for eight guests with VIP seating
- Recognition in all event materials and social media leading up to and at the event
- Two unique pages in the digital ad journal
- Press release issued upon receipt of sponsorship agreement
Achievement Sponsor: $5,000
- Admission for six guests with VIP seating
- Two unique pages in the digital ad journal
- Sponsorship listing at event
Resilience Sponsor: $2,500
- Admission for four guests
- One page in the digital ad journal
- Sponsorship listing at event
Opportunity Sponsor: $1,500
- Admission for two guests
- One page in the digital ad journal
- Sponsorship listing at event
Friendship Sponsor: $750
- Admission for two guests
- Sponsorship listing at event
To be displayed on multiple screens throughout the event and on the Horizons at the Jersey Shore website
Full Page Ad: $500
- One full slide, including custom text, logo and/or photo
Ad Journal “Shout Out”: $150
- Custom text, up to two lines
Includes signage and advance recognition at our Grow With Us Gala
Transportation: $10,000
Swim Lessons: $7,500
Lunch for Kindergarten for the Summer: $5,000
Field Trip to Insectropolis: $3,000
All Students Visit to Sandy Hook: $2,500
One week of Music Lessons: $1,000
Classroom Supplies for One Classroom: $500
Visiting Artist for One Day: $250
Backpack Full of School Supplies: $100