Serving Children from the Monmouth County community on the generously donated campuses of The Rumson Country Day School and Christian Brothers Academy.

2024 Volunteer Application


We will be hosting programs at RCDS and CBA this summer. We have limited volunteer slots at each location and appreciate everyone's willingness to be at all any site as needed. Thank you!

* Horizons volunteers must have completed at least 7th grade.

* Priority will be given to those who have volunteered at one or more Super Saturdays or other special events during the Horizons school-year program. 

* Once selected as a Horizons volunteer, all volunteers are required to attend one orientation meeting, to sign the Code of Conduct, and to complete all necessary paperwork. 

* As a learning opportunity, all volunteers are expected to participate in one or more fundraising activities to truly understand all aspects of our organization.

* All Horizons volunteers are asked to participate in Horizons Giving Day on May 15, 2024 with a fundraising goal of $500. A link to register for this important initiative will be sent upon acceptance. Prizes will be awarded for outstanding performance both for the volunteer and their class.

* All Horizons volunteers will be expected to eat family-style lunches with our students. Outside food will not be acceptable.

*Volunteers are required to bring appropriate swimwear every day to participate in swim lessons with the students.

Priority placement will be granted to those who complete their online application by May 15, 2024.  Please forward any questions to

(* Denotes Required Fields)

About You
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY): *
Age: *
2023-2024 Grade: *
School: *
Street Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Confirmation Email: *
Parent/Guardian 1 First Name: *
Parent/Guardian 1 Last Name: *
Parent/Guardian 1 Email: *
Parent/Guardian 1 Phone: *
Parent/Guardian 2 First Name:
Parent/Guardian 2 Last Name:
Parent/Guardian 2 Email:
Parent/Guardian 2 Phone:
Person to contact in case of emergency during summer (if not one of the parents/guardians above):
Emergency Contact Relationship:
Emergency Contact Phone Number:
Emergency Contact Email:
Have you volunteered for Horizons previously?: *
If yes, how many years?:
If yes, who was your lead teacher?:
Previous Community Service Experience: *
Academic and extra-curricular areas of interest:: *
Special Skills: (for example coding, wilderness training, foreign language proficiency, musical abilities, etc.):
Why is volunteering and community service important to you, and what do you expect to gain from your volunteer experience at Horizons? (Limit to 300 words or less): *
Reference 1 Name: *
Reference 1 Email: *
Reference 1 Phone Number: *
Relationship to Reference 1: *
Reference 2 Name: *
Reference 2 Email: *
Reference 2 Phone Number: *
Relationship to Reference 2: *
Summer Schedule Preference and Availability
Note: Horizons encourages applicants to consider their schedules when ranking your choices for placement. Volunteers are eligible to apply for 2, 3, 4, or 6 week placements. The following are the volunteer schedule choices. We also encourage volunteers to assist with set up and clean up. Please note, Horizons will be closed on July 4 and July 5, 2024 in observance of the holiday. 
Day(s) / time(s) I am able to volunteer: Please note, dates are subject to change. Please rank your first, second and third choice from the following options: 
Full 6 Week Program (June 26-August 4) All six weeks volunteer will be encouraged to take two days off with at least one day's notice.:
First 3 Weeks (June 26-July 12):
Last 3 Weeks (July 15-August 2):
2 Week Session A (June 26-July 3):
2 Week Session B (July 8-July 19):
2 Week Session C (July 22-August 2):
Preferred Horizons Site (we will make our best effort to accommodate your first choice site, but please understand we may need to ask for your flexibility as volunteers may be needed at another site.):
I am a certified lifeguard.:
I am a certified swim instructor.:
I understand that this application is no guarantee of placement as a Horizon Volunteer. If selected, I will attend each day I am assigned. I understand that I must attend an orientation session, sign and return the Volunteer Code of Conduct, and complete and return all other required forms to be accepted as a volunteer.: *
Thank you!
You will hear from Horizons regarding volunteer placement on a rolling basis beginning in May. If you need to alter your dates of availability or make any other change to your application, please contact Ms. H. at Thank you!